Chipper model ENERGY
Machine for the grinding and recovery of pruning of fruit trees such as hazelnut, chestnut, vineyard, olive trees, etc. It is suitable for use with tractors from 70 to 90 HP; to be installed on the rear elevator; on the front side it is possible to install a box or tow a trailer for the chipped product. The machine is equipped with a reversible hydraulic collector (patented by Giampi) that allows directly collecting the pruning without going over it with the tractor; the material grinding system consists of an imposing rotor (patented by Giampi) that allows finely chopping the product up at 80 mm and turning it into a reusable raw material, suitable also for domestic use.

Giampi S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v. - P.IVA 11479771005 - R.E.A. 1305989
Registered office : Via XXI Aprile 15 - 00162 Rome
Operative office : Loc. Capannelle - 01030 Carbognano (VT)
Phone: +39 0761.57.23.84
Fax: +39 0761.61.38.17
Mobile: +39 345 741 9749
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