Self-propelling machine
Self-propelling machine model FUTURA 100
The SELF-PROPELLING harvesting machine mod. FUTURA 100 is a fully mechanical machine for harvesting hazelnuts, chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, olives, macadamia nuts, coffee and all kinds of fruit on the ground. It features a two-speed gearbox: the 1st gear allows working at a speed ranging between 0 km/h and 8 km/h, whereas the 2nd gear can be used for quick trips and ranges from 0 km/h to 40 km/h. This is 4-wheel drive vehicle: the two rear drive wheels allow an excellent turning radius between rows, even narrow ones. The 4 driving wheels allow working in safe conditions even on very steep slopes. The product is harvested by means of two height-adjustable side transversal collectors that create a central cordon: a rotating collector loads the product and takes it to a conveyor belt on which the first selection is made. The product is then conveyed on a ventilation system and finally on a grid in which it is cleaned again. Once the product has been cleaned, it is conveyed into a fan that will carry it to a suitable container, basket or crate, attached behind the machine itself.

Giampi S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v. - P.IVA 11479771005 - R.E.A. 1305989
Registered office : Via XXI Aprile 15 - 00162 Rome
Operative office : Loc. Capannelle - 01030 Carbognano (VT)
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