Harvester model STAR 1800 super plus
The harvesting machine mod. Star 1800 super plus is a machine suitable for use with any type of tractor. It is ideal for harvesting hazelnuts, chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, olives, macadamia nuts, coffee and all kinds of fruit on the ground. It is suitable for small and medium-size companies and can be used on wet and hollow grassland. Harvesting is mechanical, unlike traditional suction machines that use a front brush. This fosters a considerable reduction of fuel consumption (working at about 1200-1300 revolutions) and dust emission. The machine must be installed on the three-point linkage of the tractor, at the front or at the rear. It features a hydraulic resting roller that allows adjustments from the ground and a mechanical front collector. It can also be driven by the PTO at 540 revs/min, or at 1000 revs/min, or by means of the hydraulic system which features a tank with oil, gearbox, pump and radiator.

Giampi S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v. - P.IVA 11479771005 - R.E.A. 1305989
Registered office : Via XXI Aprile 15 - 00162 Rome
Operative office : Loc. Capannelle - 01030 Carbognano (VT)
Phone: +39 0761.57.23.84
Fax: +39 0761.61.38.17
Mobile: +39 345 741 9749
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