
Inter-row PROBE with frame

The INTER-ROW PROBE with frame allows full, fast and very accurate operations; it cleans the plants and the inter-row spaces without damaging the bark. The
transmission, the drive and the return of the probe from the inter-row space are mechanical and automatic. This machine is suitable only for working in inter-row spaces of fruit groves, vineyards and especially hazelnut and chestnut groves, etc.

product details

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Giampi S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. Euro 10.000,00 i.v. - P.IVA 11479771005 - R.E.A. 1305989

Registered office : Via XXI Aprile 15 - 00162 Rome

Operative office : Loc. Capannelle - 01030 Carbognano (VT)

 Phone: +39 0761.57.23.84
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Mobile: +39 345 741 9749

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